Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry - New York
Dr. Irwin Smigel. If you desire cosmetic dentistry by one of the most experienced and qualified dentists in the world, contact Dr. Smigel in New York City. As a pioneer of modern cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Smigel develops and refines techniques that have become the standard for dentists around the world. Celebrities actors, politicians and people who make a living on their smiles travel to Irwin Smigel's New York practice for the best in cosmetic dentistry.
Keywords: Porcelain Veneers, Bridge's, Implants, Cleanings, Complete Repair of Worn & Broken Teeth, Complex Esthetic Rehabilitation, Implant Supported Restorations, Metal Free, Natural Looking Ceramic Crowns, Smile Analysis & Design, Tooth Colored Fillings, Treatment & Prevention of Periodontal Disease, Zoom Whitening